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Corrugated polycarbonate sheets


Corrugated and trapezoidal single-wall polycarbonate sheets (solid) are used as translucent coatings and siding. They are produced with UV protection on one side (and with protection on both sides only on request).

They are perforated in a huge variety of cross-sections from the simplest profiles (tin, ellenit etc.) to polyurethane panel type cross-sections.

Their main characteristics are high mechanical strength, excellent transparency and low weight. These characteristics make them an excellent solution for a wide variety of industrial, agricultural and livestock uses. At the same time they have become a widespread solution in the DIY (‘do it yourself’) sector.

They are covered by a guarantee to maintain their light transmittance and a guarantee of non-shattering/punching by hail.

They are produced on request in the desired length, in various thicknesses and colours and in various standard width dimensions.

To view the technical specifications of grooved solid polycarbonate sheets click here (for 0.8mm thick sheets).

For cutting instructions of corrugated solid polycarbonate sheets click here.

For instructions on the installation of corrugated solid polycarbonate sheets click here.

To see photos of applications of corrugated solid polycarbonate sheeting click here.

Corrugated polycarbonate sheets