Glass Blocks

How to drill a glass block


Christmas is approaching with the mood being in the red of the holidays and the ideas for creative occupation of the mind and beyond are growing. Thus, the idea of decorating glass blocks was born. Not just the space with glass blocks, but the decoration of the glass block itself, inside and out. We will talk mainly about the interior decoration.

So how can we decorate the inside of a glass block? But of course, we have to drill it first! How? With a good mood and by following these steps:

With the help of a diamond drill, we carefully drill the hole we want on the glass block, taking care that the point where the hole will be created is as close as possible to the middle of the side of the glass block. The movement of the drill bit should be perpendicular to the glass block, steady and without rushing.
While drilling, water should be poured over the drill point to prevent the drill bit from becoming infected and, by extension, the glass block from breaking.
After about 4-5 minutes, the glass block will have already been drilled and after cleaning it with water inside and out and letting it dry, it is ready for decoration!

We can place lights, gravel, sand, and even water inside the glass block. We are not bound by anything, as long as of course what we place fits through the hole we made. Then we can get to work on decorating the outside of the glass block. There are a variety of ways, such as the decoupage technique, vinyl stickers or even simple ones, painting and several others, that if you activate your creativity, the result will surely be impressive!

Good luck and happy holidays!


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